Custom Caricature
Custom Caricature
(All prices are per person!) Personalized caricatures are perfect gifts for any occasion.You can get yourself or a friend drawn in any media you'd like! Your caricature will be ready within two weeks or sooner. Also if you have any questions or concerns about prices please let me know! When filling out your billing information please enter a description of what you want done and who it is for. After you checkout please email me good quality photos of the subject I will be drawing.
SIZE: 11X17 or unless otherwise specified
Black and white / Marker and pencil: $35.00 Per person
Color/ Marker and color pencil: $50.00 Per person
Color body/ Marker and color pencil: $75.00 Per person
Digital painting/ Digital : $75.00 Per person
Zombie/ Digital or Traditional $75.00 Per person
Custom Portrait/ Oil or Graphite $135.00
Studio Piece $75.00
If you are interested in a group caricature please contact my email at